About CPC
With 20 years industry-specific experience, Chairman Rick Campbell launched Campbell and Partners Consulting (CPC) in 2015 with a vision to provide an unparalleled level of industry expertise combined with dynamic customer service that exceeds client expectations whilst meeting the global corporate need for bespoke vendor-independent complete print solutions.
Commencing operations in Melbourne, Australia, CPC now has offices in Sydney, Auckland, Chicago, New York and London. With a team of industry and market specialists, we provide dedicated support and project partnership to a rapidly growing list of diverse global customers requiring enterprise-level solutions.
In keeping with our commitment to offer complete end-to-end solutions to optimise our clients’ operations, CPC now provides best-of-breed digital solutions in document management, enterprise records management, digital workspace and visitor management. Plus, with the 2019 launch of our software solutions division – @DOCS, we now also offer world-class solutions in Intelligent Information Systems, Analytics & Business Intelligence and Data Protection & Security
Our Leaders
Corporate social responsibilty
and community engagement

Our Ethos
CPC’s belief, that the measure of our success as an organisation is as much about the positive impact we have in people’s lives and the world we live in as it is about financial success, is integral to the way we approach our business. We do this by
- Supporting the less fortunate through our direct engagement with various charities as well as by helping our clients and partners in their efforts to make the world a better place.
- Recognising and supporting excellence in the business community.
- Engaging with solution providers whose ethos reflects our own regarding respect for people, respect for the environment, corporate integrity and fair work practices.
- Promoting and advancing environmental sustainability, reducing paper consumption, corporate
waste and the corporate carbon emissions footprint. This is intrinsic to the solutions we provide and the products we recommend.
Of course, actions speak louder than words, we are proud to showcase some of our recent community engagement activities . . .

Director – Enterprise Operations at Fragomen

Head of Legal Operation – Minter Ellison SA/NT


SVP and EMEA Chief at Fulcrum Global Technologies Inc.
Author and Speaker at Lionheart Australasia Pty Ltd

CIO at Colin Biggers & Paisley

@DOCS is part of the Campbell & Partners Consulting group of companies. Our solutions provide our clients with the data they require in real time by transforming and automating the collection and secure storage of all critical business information.
Established by a collective of like-minded, outcome-based category experts who identified a deficiency in the market to provide best-of-breed digital transformation solutions, optimising business processes and the entire business ecosystem to deliver customer service driven outcomes, @DOCS fill the void with our vendor-independent, client-first approach.
CPC News
CPC’s senior management team were selected to attend this internationally recognized 12 month, three module course. Focusing on the development of advanced leadership skills, organizational structure and strategies to enable businesses to grow internationally, CPC are proud to have been the recipient of the coveted growth award for the most commercially successful enterprise amongst our peers from some of Australia’s most dynamic, innovative and successful businesses.

Contact us today for an
obligation free consultation